
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pengumuman Penting

Dr Aliakbar Gulasan

Kepada pelajar tahun 3 sem 1 HA18 Geografi, sila semak nama anda untuk mengetahui siapa penyelia anda untuk tugasan ilmiah di depan bilik Dr Aliakbar Gulasan dalam masa terdekat ini, sekian terima kasih.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stress Proposal

Mau bentang proposal lagi, adui naa...Lps tu mau kasi siap tesis lg...

Happy Ramadhan & Happy Fasting

Do not want to try, try skipping the fast, fast with a heart full of sincerity to Allah SWT.....

Salam Perkenalan & Salam 1Malaysia

I've just domesticated ourselves in this blog world and this is my first blog. This blog telling us anything about the life of this and a little snippet on my experiences. I apologize if there are weaknesses in this blog. Hopefully this blog will be better times to come, Insyaallah ...